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Component BaseFilter


The Base Component all Filters must extend.

Method Summary
public BaseFilter init(any firewallInstance)
          Called Once On Application Initialization
public void allowURI(string uriPrefix)
          Add a URI that is to be allowed to be filtered. NOT Case Sensitive
public boolean blockEnabled()
          Returns true if blocking is enabled for this filter (setBlockLevel greater than 0)
public void denyURI(string uriPrefix)
          DEPRECATED, use ignoreURI
public boolean filterEnabled()
          Returns true if filtering is enabled for this filter (setFilterLevel greater than 0)
public void filterRequest()
          Filters all varaibles it can in the request when this method is called.
package void filterVariables()
public numeric getBlockLevel()
          Returns the block level specified with setBlockLevel()
public string getDescription()
          Returns a plain text description of what the filter does.
public variablename getFilterComponent()
          Returns the name of the component
public numeric getFilterID()
          Returns the id of the filter specified by the firewall at runtime.
public string getFilterInstanceName()
          Returns the filter instance name for this filter instance
public numeric getFilterLevel()
          Returns the filter level specified with setFilterLevel()
public any getFirewall()
          Returns a reference to the firewall object instance.
public string getHelp()
          Returns XHTML markup for a help screen.
public numeric getLogLevel()
          Returns the log level specified with setLogLevel()
public string getName()
          Returns the friendly name of the filter.
public string getRequestLogMessage([boolean escape="true"])
          get a message for the request if defined, otherwise returns an empty string.
public string getRequestLogMessageDetail([boolean escape="true"])
          get a message for the request if defined, otherwise returns an empty string.
public string getThreatCategory()
          Returns a threat category for this filter. Examples are xss,sql-injection,session-hijacking,authentication,validation,general the default is general
public boolean ignoresVariable(variableName scope, string varName)
          Returns true if the specified variable is to be ignored from a call to ignoreVariable
public void ignoreURI(string uriPrefix)
          Add a URI that is to be skiped by the filter. NOT case sensitive
public void ignoreVariable(variableName scope, string varName)
          Ignores scanning of the specified variable.
public numeric inspectRequest()
          The method called on every request that the filter is active on. Returns a risk level from 0 to 10 - 0 being no risk found, and 10 being a high risk request.
public boolean inspectsCGIScope()
          Returns true if filter inspects the CGI scope
public boolean inspectsCookieScope()
          Returns true if filter inspects the COOKIE scope
public boolean inspectsFormScope()
          Returns true if filter inspects the FORM scope
public boolean inspectsURI([any uriValue="#cgi.script_name#"])
          Returns false if the filter ignores this URI from setting allowURI and denyURI functions
public boolean inspectsUrlScope()
          Returns true if filter inspects the URL scope
public numeric inspectVariable(variableName scope, string varName, any value)
          This method can be overridden by a sub component, and will be invoked for each variable by calling inspectVariables()
package numeric inspectVariables()
public boolean logEnabled()
          Returns true if logging is enabled for this filter (setLogLevel greater than 0)
public boolean logOnly()
public any setAllowDenyOrder(string order)
          Should it run the allow list first, and then the deny? or vise versa. Default is allow,deny
public void setBlockLevel(numeric blockLevel)
          The blockLevel is an integer from 0 to 10 if set to 0 no requests will be blocked, if set to 10 only highest risk requests are blocked.
public void setFilterID(numeric filterID)
          Automatically Set by the Firewall when addFilter is called.
public void setFilterInstanceName([string name])
          If you have multiple instances of the same filter you can distinguish them by giving them each a unique filter instance name
public void setFilterLevel([numeric filterLevel])
          The filterLevel is an integer from 0 to 10 if set to 0 no requests content will be filtered, if set to 10 only highest risk requests are blocked.
public void setLogLevel(numeric logLevel)
          The logLevel is an integer from 0 to 10 if set to 0 nothing is logged, if set to 10 only high risk requests are logged.
public void setRequestLogMessage(string message, [string detail=""])
          used by a filter to set a log message when something is found, this message will be logged.
public void setScopes(string scopes)
          Pass in the scopes you want this filter to check.

Method Detail


public void allowURI(string uriPrefix)
Add a URI that is to be allowed to be filtered. NOT Case Sensitive

string uriPrefix - prefix of a url, so /admin/foo/ would filter everything in that folder


public boolean blockEnabled()
Returns true if blocking is enabled for this filter (setBlockLevel greater than 0)


public void denyURI(string uriPrefix)

string uriPrefix - prefix of a url, so /admin/ would skip everything in that folder


public boolean filterEnabled()
Returns true if filtering is enabled for this filter (setFilterLevel greater than 0)


public void filterRequest()
Filters all varaibles it can in the request when this method is called.


package void filterVariables()


public numeric getBlockLevel()
Returns the block level specified with setBlockLevel()


public string getDescription()
Returns a plain text description of what the filter does.


public variablename getFilterComponent()
Returns the name of the component


public numeric getFilterID()
Returns the id of the filter specified by the firewall at runtime.


public string getFilterInstanceName()
Returns the filter instance name for this filter instance


public numeric getFilterLevel()
Returns the filter level specified with setFilterLevel()


public any getFirewall()
Returns a reference to the firewall object instance.


public string getHelp()
Returns XHTML markup for a help screen.


public numeric getLogLevel()
Returns the log level specified with setLogLevel()


public string getName()
Returns the friendly name of the filter.


public string getRequestLogMessage([boolean escape="true"])
get a message for the request if defined, otherwise returns an empty string.

[boolean escape="true"] - Escapes nasty characters


public string getRequestLogMessageDetail([boolean escape="true"])
get a message for the request if defined, otherwise returns an empty string.

[boolean escape="true"] - Escapes nasty characters


public string getThreatCategory()
Returns a threat category for this filter. Examples are xss,sql-injection,session-hijacking,authentication,validation,general the default is general


public boolean ignoresVariable(variableName scope, string varName)
Returns true if the specified variable is to be ignored from a call to ignoreVariable

variableName scope - Must be one of: form,url,cookie,cgi
string varName - The Name of the variable to ignore


public void ignoreURI(string uriPrefix)
Add a URI that is to be skiped by the filter. NOT case sensitive

string uriPrefix - prefix of a url, so /admin/ would skip everything in that folder


public void ignoreVariable(variableName scope, string varName)
Ignores scanning of the specified variable.

variableName scope - Must be one of: form,url,cookie,cgi,all
string varName - The Name of the variable to ignore


public BaseFilter init(any firewallInstance)
Called Once On Application Initialization

any firewallInstance


public numeric inspectRequest()
The method called on every request that the filter is active on. Returns a risk level from 0 to 10 - 0 being no risk found, and 10 being a high risk request.


public boolean inspectsCGIScope()
Returns true if filter inspects the CGI scope


public boolean inspectsCookieScope()
Returns true if filter inspects the COOKIE scope


public boolean inspectsFormScope()
Returns true if filter inspects the FORM scope


public boolean inspectsURI([any uriValue="#cgi.script_name#"])
Returns false if the filter ignores this URI from setting allowURI and denyURI functions

[any uriValue="#cgi.script_name#"]


public boolean inspectsUrlScope()
Returns true if filter inspects the URL scope


public numeric inspectVariable(variableName scope, string varName, any value)
This method can be overridden by a sub component, and will be invoked for each variable by calling inspectVariables()

variableName scope
string varName
any value


package numeric inspectVariables()


public boolean logEnabled()
Returns true if logging is enabled for this filter (setLogLevel greater than 0)


public boolean logOnly()


public any setAllowDenyOrder(string order)
Should it run the allow list first, and then the deny? or vise versa. Default is allow,deny

string order - allow,deny or deny,allow


public void setBlockLevel(numeric blockLevel)
The blockLevel is an integer from 0 to 10 if set to 0 no requests will be blocked, if set to 10 only highest risk requests are blocked.

numeric blockLevel - 0-10


public void setFilterID(numeric filterID)
Automatically Set by the Firewall when addFilter is called.

numeric filterID


public void setFilterInstanceName([string name])
If you have multiple instances of the same filter you can distinguish them by giving them each a unique filter instance name

[string name]


public void setFilterLevel([numeric filterLevel])
The filterLevel is an integer from 0 to 10 if set to 0 no requests content will be filtered, if set to 10 only highest risk requests are blocked.

[numeric filterLevel] - 0-10


public void setLogLevel(numeric logLevel)
The logLevel is an integer from 0 to 10 if set to 0 nothing is logged, if set to 10 only high risk requests are logged.

numeric logLevel - 0-10


public void setRequestLogMessage(string message, [string detail=""])
used by a filter to set a log message when something is found, this message will be logged.

string message
[string detail=""]


public void setScopes(string scopes)
Pass in the scopes you want this filter to check.

string scopes - comma seperated list of scope names, eg: url,form,cookie,cgi