Component delicious (del.icio.us component)

Connects to del.icio.us apis

methods: addPost, deletePost, getAllPosts, getPopular, getPosts, getRecent, getRecentPosts, getResultString*, getTags, getUser, lastUpdate, parseDeliciousRssFeed, parseISO8601DateTime, rateLimiter, renameTag, sleep, xmlPostsToQuery*
* - private method

string addPost ( required string username, required string password, required string url, required string description, string extended="", string tags="", string date="", boolean replace="true", boolean shared="true" )

Adds a post to a del.icio.us account, returns 'done' on success, or an error message on failure.

Output: supressed
   username: string, required, username - the del.icio.us username
   password: string, required, password - the password
   url: string, required, url - the url to bookmark
   description: string, required, description - the name of the item
   extended: string, optional, extended - notes for the item
   tags: string, optional, tags - tags for the item
   date: string, optional, date - date for the item (in format CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ)
   replace: boolean, optional, replace - replace post if given url has already been posted.
   shared: boolean, optional, shared - if false markes the item private

string deletePost ( required string username, required string password, required string url )

deletes a post, returns done on success or an error message on failure.

Output: supressed
   username: string, required, username - the del.icio.us username
   password: string, required, password - the password
   url: string, required, url - the url to delete

query getAllPosts ( required string username, required string password, string tag="", boolean convertDate="false" )

Returns posts matching the arguments. If no date or url is given, most recent date will be used. Query (description,hash,href,others,tag,time,extended)

Output: supressed
   username: string, required, username - the del.icio.us username
   password: string, required, password - the password
   tag: string, optional, tag - filter by tag
   convertDate: boolean, optional, convertDate - Converts the resulting date to a coldfusion datetime object in the local timezone

query getPopular ( boolean convertDate="false" )

returns the del.icio.us/popular in a query with columns (description,extended,href,date,tags,user)

Output: enabled
   convertDate: boolean, optional, convertDate - Converts the resulting date to a coldfusion datetime object in the local timezone

query getPosts ( required string username, required string password, string tag="", string date="", string url="", boolean convertDate="false" )

Returns posts matching the arguments. If no date or url is given, most recent date will be used. Query (description,hash,href,others,tag,time,extended)

Output: supressed
   username: string, required, username - the del.icio.us username
   password: string, required, password - the password
   tag: string, optional, tag - filter by tag
   date: string, optional, date - filter by date (in format CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ)
   url: string, optional, url - filter by this url
   convertDate: boolean, optional, convertDate - Converts the resulting date to a coldfusion datetime object in the local timezone

query getRecent ( numeric min="2", boolean convertDate="false" )

returns the del.icio.us/recent in a query with columns (description,extended,href,date,tags,user)

Output: enabled
   min: numeric, optional, min - the minimum number of people that must have bookmarked it.
   convertDate: boolean, optional, convertDate - Converts the resulting date to a coldfusion datetime object in the local timezone

query getRecentPosts ( required string username, required string password, string tag="", numeric count="15", boolean convertDate="false" )

Returns posts matching the arguments. If no date or url is given, most recent date will be used. Query (description,hash,href,others,tag,time,extended)

Output: supressed
   username: string, required, username - the del.icio.us username
   password: string, required, password - the password
   tag: string, optional, tag - filter by tag
   count: numeric, optional, count - Number of items to retrieve (Default:15, Maximum:100).
   convertDate: boolean, optional, convertDate - Converts the resulting date to a coldfusion datetime object in the local timezone

private getResultString ( any filecontent )

gets a string from HTTP result if ByteArrayObject converts to string

Output: enabled
   filecontent: any, optional, filecontent

query getTags ( required string username, required string password )

Returns a query (tag,count) for the user.

Output: supressed
   username: string, required, username - the del.icio.us username
   password: string, required, password - the password

query getUser ( required string username, string tag="", boolean convertDate="false" )

returns the del.icio.us/user in a query with columns (description,extended,href,date,tags,user)

Output: enabled
   username: string, required, username - the del.icio.us user name
   tag: string, optional, tag - filter by tag
   convertDate: boolean, optional, convertDate - Converts the resulting date to a coldfusion datetime object in the local timezone

string lastUpdate ( required string username, required string password, boolean convertDate="false" )

Returns the last update time for the user.

Output: supressed
   username: string, required, username - the del.icio.us username
   password: string, required, password - the password
   convertDate: boolean, optional, convertDate - Converts the update date to a coldfusion datetime object in the local timezone

query parseDeliciousRssFeed ( required url, boolean convertDate="false" )

Output: supressed
   url: any, required, url
   convertDate: boolean, optional, convertDate - Converts the resulting date to a coldfusion datetime object in the local timezone

date parseISO8601DateTime ( required string date )

parses an ISO 8601 Date/Time and returns a coldfusion date object in local server time. This the dateformat used by the del.icio.us api

Output: supressed
   date: string, required, date

void rateLimiter ( )

Makes sure that one second has gone by since last request (required by del.icio.us API terms of service). This function will block until it is OK to make another call.

Output: supressed

string renameTag ( required string username, required string password, string oldTag, string newTag )

renames a tag

Output: supressed
   username: string, required, username - the del.icio.us username
   password: string, required, password - the password
   oldTag: string, optional, oldTag - the name of the tag to rename
   newTag: string, optional, newTag - the value to rename the old tag to.

void sleep ( numeric miliseconds )

Sleeps for n miliseconds

Output: supressed
   miliseconds: numeric, optional, miliseconds - the number of ms to sleep for

private query xmlPostsToQuery ( any xml, boolean convertDate="true" )

Output: supressed
   xml: any, optional, xml - xml object
   convertDate: boolean, optional, convertDate - Converts the resulting date to a coldfusion datetime object in the local timezone

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