Component indeed

A ColdFusion Component (CFC) for using Indeed Job Search API.

methods: searchJobs, setPublisherId
* - private method

query searchJobs ( string query="", string location="", numeric start="0", numeric limit="10" )

Search for Jobs on indeed search engine. Returns a ColdFusion Query Object with columns: jobtitle, company, city, state, country, source, date, snippet, url, lat, long, id

Output: supressed
   query: string, optional, query - keywords to search for, eg marketing, coldfusion, etc
   location: string, optional, location - free form location string can be city, state, just a state, a zip, etc.
   start: numeric, optional, start - the result row to start on (for displaying multiple pages)
   limit: numeric, optional, limit - the number of results to return on one page

setPublisherId ( numeric id )

sets your publisher id from indeed, contact indeed to get one.

Output: enabled
   id: numeric, optional, id