Component tags (Tagging Component)

Methods to allow you to tag items, and then find related items, or create tag clouds

properties: datasource, itemIdColumn, itemTable, maxTagLength, tagTable
methods: addTag, cleanTag, deleteTag, getItems, getRelatedItems, getTags, makeTagCloud, tag
* - private method

Property Hint Type Req. Implemented In Default Value
datasource The name of your datasource Yes tags -
itemIdColumn The name of the primary key column in your itemTable tags id
itemTable The name of the table that contains the items you want to tag (eg blog entries table) tags items
maxTagLength The max length a tag can be. numeric tags 50
tagTable The name of your tag table. string tags tags

void addTag ( string item_id, string tag )

Adds a single tag to an item. Does not check to see if tag already exists.

Output: supressed
   item_id: string, optional, item_id - the item id
   tag: string, optional, tag - the tag to add

string cleanTag ( required string tag )

Converts to lowercase, and removes all characters from the tag besides [a-z0-9._-] and ensures that the result is not longer than the maxTagLength. If you want to allow different characters simply extend this cfc with your, and re-implement this method to your liking.

Output: supressed
   tag: string, required, tag

void deleteTag ( string item_id="", string tag="" )

Deletes tag(s) from the tag table.

Output: supressed
   item_id: string, optional, item_id - Pass an empty string here to delete all occurrences of this tag.
   tag: string, optional, tag - Pass in an empty string to delete all tags for an item.

query getItems ( string tag, item_columns="*" )

Returns a query containing items tagged with the given tag.

Output: enabled
   tag: string, optional, tag
   item_columns: any, optional, item_columns - A comma seperated list of columns from the itemTable to return in the query. If empty string, no join will take place.

query getRelatedItems ( required item_id, numeric min_common_tags="2", item_columns="" )

Returns a query of related items. We define related as items that are tagged with similar tags, specify the number of common tags required with the min_common_tags argument. Returns a query of item_id, num_common_tags, and any other columns you specify in the item_columns argument list.

Output: enabled
   item_id: any, required, item_id
   min_common_tags: numeric, optional, min_common_tags - The number of common tags an item must have to be 'related'.
   item_columns: any, optional, item_columns - A comma seperated list of columns from the itemTable to return in the query. If empty string, no join will take place.

query getTags ( required item_id )

Returns tags for a given item

Output: enabled
   item_id: any, required, item_id

makeTagCloud ( tagUrl="tag.cfm?tag=", numeric min_usage="1", boolean include_css="true" )

Makes a tag cloud links with css classes smallestTag, largestTag, largeTag, mediumTag, and smallTag

Output: enabled
   tagUrl: any, optional, tagUrl - url prefix for tag cloud link.
   min_usage: numeric, optional, min_usage - the minimum number of times a tag has been used.
   include_css: boolean, optional, include_css - returns a css style tag along with the tag cloud.

void tag ( required string item_id, required string tagList, string delimiters="," )

Tags an item with the specified tags

Output: enabled
   item_id: string, required, item_id - The item id you wish to tag.
   tagList: string, required, tagList - A list of tags
   delimiters: string, optional, delimiters - The delimiters for the tagList.