Using Foundeo Spell Checker with CKeditor
Foundeo Spell Checker Integrates into CKEditor 3 or CKEditor 4 as a CKEditor plugin adding a spell checker button right on the toolbar. You can download the plugin here.
Installing the Foundeo CKEditor Spell Checker Plugin
- Download Foundeo Spell Checker and copy it on to your server.
- Unzip the plugin and copy the
folder into yourckeditor/plugins
folder. - Add ckeditor to a page and include
as one of your toolbar buttons, for example:
<form><textarea name="editor1" id="editor1">I am speled wrogn.</textarea></form> <script src="/spellchecker/spell.js"></script> <script src="demo/ckeditor/ckeditor.js"></script> <script> CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1', { extraPlugins : 'foundeospellchecker', toolbar_SimpleSpellCheck : [ { name: 'simple', items : [ 'Bold','Italic' ] }, {name:'spelling', items:['foundeospellchecker']}], toolbar : 'SimpleSpellCheck' } ); </script>
Note that the spell.js
file is part of foundeo spell checker, installed in step 1.
About Foundeo Spell Checker
Foundeo Spell Checker is a server side spell checker (no clientside plugin requirements) that runs on your ColdFusion / CFML or Java / JSP servers.

Purchase Foundeo Spell Checker
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